Membership Information

Your membership to Seven-One-One directly supports 12-step recovery programs in Olathe.

Membership is easy!

  1. Fill out your membership form below.

  2. Make a donation of at least $100. Annual membership dues are a minimum of $100 per year paid annually or pledged monthly.

Your annual membership provides enormous support for the recovery programs that use the home owned by Seven-One-One. Whether its rent-relief in tough times, emergency maintenance, or events that celebrate the important work we we do, your membership makes it possible for these groups to grow and thrive.

Every membership includes the following benefits:

  • Recognition at all Seven-One-One monthly meetings you attend

  • Annual vote for Board of Directors

  • Quarterly Newsletter

  • Personalized invitation to Seven-One-One events and functions

  • Voice and advocacy for recovery group members we serve

  • Supporter of Olathe recovery programs like AA and Al-Anon

Other Membership Details:

  1. Dues must be current to be considered a member. Annual membership dues are a minimum of $100 per year paid annually or pledged monthly.

  2. If you would prefer to pay cash or check, any Board member will take payment and provide a receipt.

  3. We are transitioning to a web-based membership platform. Current members will be contacted via email with details. Previous members whose membership has lapsed should create new memberships on this page. Email if you have questions about your membership status.

Become a Voice in Seven-One-One Now!

Membership Step 1 of 2: Fill Out This Form

Membership Step 2 of 2: Pay Your Dues

Annual membership dues are a minimum of $100 per year paid annually or pledged monthly.

Your privacy is important. All contact information is kept password-protected with access only by two board members. We do not collect or store any financial or payment information entered online or provided in person.