The 215 Cherry Story and Update

In January 2021, after years of searching for a new property, the Seven-One-One board identified an ideal location that would meet the growing needs of the recovery groups that use the building while also providing a handicap-accessible facility. The board determined that purchasing and remodeling the property was in our financial best interest and would leave us with $30-$40,000 remaining in the bank after the necessary remodeling and updating. We were also fortunate to sell our current property to a neighbor who graciously rented the property back to us while we prepared to move. The property was purchased, the work was underway, and excitement was building.

Almost immediately, an unexpected spike in the cost and scarcity of supplies, materials, and professional labor began to dwindle our reserve budget and delay progress by several months. In October of 2021, just a few days before moving in, the city notified us that our intended use of the property required rezoning the property, and this required substantial structural remodeling of the home before we could occupy. For the next year, Seven-One-One continued to meet frequently with engineers, city planners, and the planning commission to submit plans that would satisfy zoning and code regulations in an extremely slow and expensive process. We should note that the city staff was supportive of our efforts and willing to work with us to satisfy their need to enforce zoning and codes.

Ultimately, the cost of ownership of two properties combined with the expanding list of requirements from the city to bring 215 Cherry up to date forced us to make the tough decision to sell the property at 215 Cherry.

Fortunately, an arrangement was made with DocE Properties that would allow us to sell 222 Cherry and repurchase 222 S. Kansas Ave (which had been sold to DocE Properties and rented back during the transition to 222 Cherry). The arrangement also allowed for financing of an addition to 222 S. Kansas Ave.